Exercise. You love it. The outdoors. You love that too. Combing the two together is your kind of work out. But…brrrrrr it’s getting cold outside. It’s that time of the year when our beautiful Fall weather turns into nose running, blistery “can’t feel your fingers” kind of cold. So, what do you do? Stop exercising? Bundle up and decide that it’s okay to be sedentary during the Winter months? We hope not! We can help you transition some of your outdoor exercise into simple indoor ones to keep you active all year long. Right in the comfort of your own home.
Exercise tips: always begin with a 5-minute warm up and 5-10 minutes of stretching after you have finished. Perform a full cycle of the suggested programs and start at the top again. Start slow, with an end goal of performing 3 sets of 10 reps (go through the routine 3 times and do 10 of each exercise). Remember it’s important to listen to your body – if something is causing you pain, skip that exercise and do the next one.
Stairs Routine (Intermediate – Advanced)
With this first 30-minute full body routine all you need is yourself and some stairs. Start with your warm up: lunge up 2 stairs at a time and run/walk down 4 times.
- Side step up (2 stairs at a time) – walk/run down and do the other leg. 10 reps.
- Mountain climbers – hands in front, toes on stairs. Alternate knee to opposite shoulder and hold. 10 reps.
- Pushups – from knees or toes on stairs, hands on floor. 10 pushups.
- 1 leg dips – turn to the side and balance on one leg. Lower into a seated position) 10 each leg.
- Tricep dips – hands on stairs, fingers face the center of your body, legs bent in front of you. Lower from the elbow joint and push back to starting position). 10 reps.
- Plank with rotation – hands in front, toes on stairs. Lift one arm and open to the ceiling while you twist your torso. 10 reps.
No stairs? No worries! You can still do the routine above with a few modifications. Your warm up: 5 burpees, 10 alternating lunges back 4 times.
- Alternating Lunge back (10 each leg).
- Mountain climbers in a plank position. 10 reps.
- Pushups on floor (knees or toes). 10 reps.
- 1 leg dips (see above).
- Tricep dips on floor (see above).
- Plank with rotation (see above).
Resistance Routine (Beginner – Intermediate)
This 30-minute full body routine uses a resistance band and a yoga mat. Warm up using one of the warm ups above and remember your goal is to go through this routine 3 times. *Tip: there shouldn’t be any slack in the band while performing an exercise. If so, loop the band around the handles.
- Squat – place the band under your feet, hold the handles at your hips or shoulders – 10 total.
- Back row – stand in a lunge position, band under one foot and then cross at the handles. Lean slightly forward and pull the band towards your back with your palms facing behind you. 10 reps.
- Chest fly – place the band behind your back at your chest line. With palms facing each other squeeze towards your heart. 10 reps.
- 1 leg kick backs – stand on the band with both feet, handles at your hips. With your toe pointing on a slight angle, push the band away from your bum squeezing your gluten – 10 each leg.
- Bicep curl – stand on the band with one or two feet and pull the handle towards your armpit. 10 reps.
- Core without band – bicycle crunches, sit ups, toe reach or plank holds. 10 reps.