It’s hard to believe after such a snowy winter that spring is almost here. In fact, spring break is right around the corner. For those taking a staycation, there are family- and kid-friendly events in Coquitlam and Langley to check out. Also, activities in other parts of the lower mainland and right in your own backyard are great options for the weeks ahead.
Coquitlam Events:
- Festival du Bois: The 29th annual Festival Du Bois is the place to be to enjoy music, food, kids activities, and all things francophone and French-Canadian. Come down to Mackin Park March 23rd to 25th and try some tourtière. Or, unleash your inner lumberjack at this year’s new, fully mobile axe throwing experience. Yes, they promise it’s safe for everyone!
- Spring Break Festival at Evergreen Cultural Centre: Fairy tales and classic stories are brought to life on the Evergreen stage at this year’s Spring Break Festival. From March 20th – 22nd, Cinderella, Robin Hood, and Cendrillon are sure to delight kids of all ages.
- Spring Break at the Fort: From March 17th to April 2nd, Fort Langley National Historic Site is hosting Spring Break at the Fort. Free for youth 17 and under, this is great chance to learn about the Fraser River and First Nations’ fishing tools and techniques. Participants will also be able to pack a barrel full of salmon!
- Spring Break Circus Camps: Your kids don’t need to run away to join the circus— just sign them up for a unique experience at Circus Lab’s Spring Break Circus Camps. Children and teens will develop flexibility, hand-eye coordination, and more while trying exciting activities like unicycling and acrobatics.
- Go to the Movies: Heading out with the whole family to see a film can be expensive, but not during spring break. Cineplex is showing March Break Movies like Despicable Me 3 and The Boss Baby for only $2.99/ticket at select locations, including Coquitlam and Langley.
- Take a Hike: If the weather cooperates this spring break, then it’s a great opportunity to take the kids for a hike. While some treks can be challenging, here are 10 Easy Hikes for Young Kids you can try out this spring.
- Be a Tourist in Your Own Town: Granville Island, Stanley Park, Maplewood Farm… there are so many fabulous attractions that you may not have had time to visit in awhile. This March break may be the perfect opportunity to plan a fun day out with the whole family.
- Do Some Gardening: Simple gardening projects like these are a fantastic way to introduce children to the wonder of nature, and help them discover where food comes from. Get your hands dirty, and grow something amazing!