
Fall Fitness Series: Lunchtime Exercises

Publish on Sep 18, 2017


There are so many excuses and reasons why we don’t exercise. Perhaps one of these sound familiar: “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “I am too tired after work “or maybe, “I don’t have time to exercise”. Well, what if you could fit in a 30-minute routine without taking any time away from your hectic day?

Express lunch time routines have become very popular in gyms and private studios for good reason. It is found time! Why not spend that extra half hour on your body and relieve some stress rather than hang out in the lunch room? Midday exercises will boost your energy levels and clear your mind so you can re-focus on the rest of your day.

Planning Tip: schedule your workout in your calendar and treat it like an appointment, this way you will be sure to go. And to save even more time, pack a lunch.

If you have access to a Gym

The key to getting maximum results in the least amount of time can be found by doing circuit training. Circuit training is when you move from one exercise to the next without any rest with the goal of hitting your lower and upper body and core. Most gyms have an area for circuit training already set up. If not, you can create your own circuit by starting with the larger muscle groups in your lower body, like lunges and squats with or without weights. Then attack the upper body by doing back exercises and performing push-ups (modified versions work just as well!) and finish with plank holds to target your core muscles.

Tip: if you are not sure how to use the Gym equipment ensure you spend some time with an employee to review the exercises prior.

If you’re new to Gyms or Studios

They are popping up everywhere! Private Studio Express lunchtime classes seem to be the norm these days. Whether you are looking for Yoga, Bootcamp style, kickboxing or Cardio based, chances are there are many lunchtime classes available in your area.

No gym? No Studio? No problem!

Pack your runners and some comfortable clothes to walk in and hit the road on your lunch hour. A refreshing 20-30-minute brisk walk will do the trick! To stay accountable and have some fun outside of the office, maybe you enlist some of your co-workers to join you. This way you can keep each other accountable and everyone can reap the benefits of exercise.


If you work from home

If you are at home during the day, there are plenty of “at home exercises” you can find on the web or perhaps you purchase an exercise video. Some at home suggestions: use your stairs for cardio and lower body exercises such as lunges. Perhaps you begin 2 stairs up and run down numerous times, add modified push-ups and tricep dips using the stairs as a bench, jump up the stairs two at a time and finish with plank holds for your core. If you don’t have stairs just clear an area in your home and perform the same exercise in one spot. Remember to start slow and increase your sets as you get stronger.

Tip: your pre-school children can also participate!

If you want to keep it simple

Try an after lunch family walk or bike ride. This will help you digest your food while enjoying the change of season.

Tip: younger children can be put in a stroller or encouraged to use their bike to keep the pace up. And don’t forget the family pet!

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